Supporting People On Their Journey Towards A Gett

“We provide our clients with a protected sanctuary, fostering a secure environment, and offering an unwavering foundation of support and guidance, paving the way to their ultimate liberation and empowerment.”

- Rifka Simon, Founder

GettOutUK’s Achievements

By the time they approached GettOutUK, our clients had been waiting between 6 months and 32 years for a Gett. Working alongside our clients, their lawyers, the Batei Din, the Office of the Chief Rabbi and social workers we have successfully helped free 25 clients so far.. and we are just getting started.


Getts achieved in in our first two years

We are so grateful for the strong relationships we have built with local Batei-Din and Dayanim. We are truly able to work as partners to free our clients.


London Batei-Din relationships

Sadly many of our clients are victims not only of Gett abuse but also other forms of abuse. At GettOutUK our goal is to help our clients achieve their Gett whilst providing them with holistic support in coordination with relevant social workers.


Pending Getts and open cases


Our clients often feel alone and vulnerable, especially around Chagim and Mother's Day. To alleviate their pain and show support, we send themed care packages to our clients during those difficult moments.

Care packages sent to clients

We partner with organizations around th world to free our clients. We are also acti members of Cheirut, the international coalition of Gett workers. We regularly partner with organizations in Israel and have worked with case workers in Ameri Australia, South Africa, France, and Canada.


International Partner Organisations


We partnered with Chochmat Nashim and ORA to create the first ever data-driven analysis of the Jewish divorce process. The data and user-based reviews are available on the 'Rate My Beit Din' website.

London Batei-Din relationship

Client Testimonials


Waiting 8 years for her Gett, North West London

"GettOutUK has provided outstanding assistance and support to women who have been denied a Gett. The scourge of Gett refusal, for the purposes of coercing, controlling or spiting a spouse, is an appalling and unacceptable form of abuse, which can have the effect of leaving the victim feeling isolated and helpless. GettOutUK ensures that those affected receive important practical assistance and have a support network in place during this painful time."


Waited 2 years for her Gett, Israel

"Before I found GettOutUK I felt completely alone. I wasn't taken seriously by the Beit Din and after over a year of trying there was no progress with my Gett. When I started working with GettOutUK I felt I was nearing a light at the end of the tunnel. Things began moving. They responded to me helped me, listened to me. I thought I must be their only client, they were so responsive and made me feel like my freedom was their number one priority. Within a matter of months I had received my Gett. It wasn't until I began speaking to other women in my neighbourhood that I realized how many clients they have. "They helped me get my Gett," or "did you hear they helped so and so with her Gett?' those are their powers, moving things along and making each client feel like their suffering matters and their freedom is a top priority."


Waited 3 years for her Gett, North London

"Before I found GettOutUK I felt completely alone. I wasn't taken seriously by the Beit Din and after over a year of trying there was no progress with my Gett. When I started working with GettOutUK I felt I was nearing a light at the end of the tunnel. Things began moving. They responded to me helped me, listened to me. I thought I must be their only client, they were so responsive and made me feel like my freedom was their number one priority. Within a matter of months I had received my Gett. It wasn't until I began speaking to other women in my neighbourhood that I realized how many clients they have. "They helped me get my Gett," or "did you hear they helped so and so with her Gett?' those are their powers, moving things along and making each client feel like their suffering matters and their freedom is a top priority."

Gett Abuse

in numbers

More than


feel they have no support from a community Rabbi

More than


feel depressed

More than


have waited 6+ years for a Gett

More than


have thoughts of self-harm or have attempted suicide


of UK survey respondents on Beit Din experience felt pressured to concede for their Gett*

*Gett abuse occurs when one spouse refuses to grant or accept a Gett, trapping the other spouse in the marriage. This may occur because one spouse does not wish to be divorced at all. More commonly it occurs when both spouses wish to divorce but one spouse uses the granting or accepting of a Gett to extort concessions (e.g., relating to financial or child custody arrangements) from the other as a condition for being released from a Jewish marriage. Gett abuse may amount to the criminal offence of coercive control. It should not be tolerated by communities or leaders.

Partner with us to end Gett abuse in the UK

Will support our core operations for one year



Will allow us to assist clients with legal costs

*Since it was founded in 2020, GettOutUK has been staffed and run entirely by volunteers.

No matter how big or small, every donation makes a difference.